Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Assignment 2 Sketch

The idea is the graph the drinks I intake, calories, and cost. Visually I'm unsure how to make it more interesting and I am open to suggestions...


  1. Maybe going by the day and what you've done that day that would correlate to the drinks you consumed? Like if you had a big test and needed to stay up and study, so you had two coffees and three Mountain Dews. Or if you weren't feeling well so for two days all you drank was tea and water. Just an idea!

  2. I'd really take a look at how your influences treat their subjects graphically. The way they manipulate bottles and drinking glasses, I think it could really help add some emotion to your piece. It's a great start though!

  3. Maybe you could think of ways to cut down on the most costly drinks or the drinks that aren't as good for you and show how much money you would save or how many less calories you would consume.

  4. I agree with Erin. It would be interesting to see why you are drinking all of these different products. You see to drink a lot of coffee. Is it because your up too late studying. Do you drink lot of water because you often go to the gym? It would be interesting to know.

  5. I also agree with Erin. It'd be interesting to see the times of days as well. I also agree with whoever said to look at the way bottles and glasses are manipulated. It might add something more to your design, instead of just circles.

    I like your color choices, however, you might consider using brown for the coffee. It just doesn't make sense why it's dark green. All of the other colors correlate with the color of the actual drink, but coffee isn't green. Just a thought.

  6. I agree with everyone else. Other data would help as comparison. Also on the colors. They're not bad, but maybe change them around a little and reconsider the header colors.

  7. I agree with everyone by saying you should include your reasons for consuming certain drinks on certain days. Your sketch is looking good so far.

    -Jess Lukasavage

  8. I agree with Erin. Maybe a calender-like format and correlating what you did and how much you ate and drank would make your map much more interesting.

  9. Really great examples chosen, I really like how organized your data is. there's a number of ways you could go about this. You have a lot of data, which is also fantastic! I'd say work on your typography, and try to make your layout more interesting. It's very static and expected.

  10. I agree with Bri. Play around with typography and negative space, It is very stiff. I also think that you should include the total cost of your drink consumption over 3 weeks. I really like this idea and your sketch so far looks great!

  11. I believe that from your examples go with something like the fourth one (yellowish). I feel as if that is visually interesting and evoked more of an emotion. I do agree with people when they say compare and contrast. Even if you take just your favorite drink to compare with others.

  12. The amount of data that you have will really help you but i think that you need to compare your data to something else either someone elses intake of drinks.

  13. To me it almost seems like you don't have enough data. 10 drinks in one week? Is that all 7 days...because I have 10 drinks in one day mostly. The graph looks good, but I think you would be able to liven it up, maybe with photographs, but that have the color toned to match the graphics.
