Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Assignment 2 Reading Response

I chose a color scheme of pinks. The first reason to bring about attention to the data, the second reason for only three colors was to bring visual harmony as talked about in the article. Having the muted color mixed in with the brighter pinks in my poster are said by the article to help bring attention to the data within the color, this was also intentional for the same reasons the article states. Color is also used according to the data in my background. The color scheme stays continual but the colors bring a focus to the graph of time which leads into the second article. Due to the overwhelming colors, I was able to present the space within my project as more full as this second article discusses one way to fill space is to spread the data. I also achieved this particularly where my clock is located which represents time, another key element to the piece. The strongest way to represent time in a contemporary manner, as the article states; is to display time in a mapping sense. For my set of data, the time displayed was when I consumed my drinks, not a time of distance. For this reason I chose to make a clock graph to show when I consumed each drink over the time span rather than to bring in a distance map that is irrelevant to my data.

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